What is narrative text?
Well guys, mungkin kalau mendengar
kata narrative teks, sahabat udah tidak asing lagi dengan kata itu bahkan may
be you have been bored with it, coz (because ala gaul-red) teks itu sudah
dikenalkan semenjak kelas 8 atau kelas 2 SMP sampai kelas 12 (kelas 3 SMA) But
kalau ditanya apa itu narrative teks tak sedikit yang tidak bisa menjelaskan
apa itu Narrative teks dan ciri-cirinya. Menurut pengalaman saya yang tiap
tahunnya mengajarkan teks ini di kelas akhir (kelas 12), sahabat-sahabat saya
dikelas ini selalu dibingungkan dalam membedakan teks 1 with the other texts
(dengan teks yang lainnya). Ok then, here saya akan memberikan sedikit ulasan
kembali tentang apa itu Narrative teks dan cirri-cirinya. Let’s check it out
Me ;Apa
itu narrative?
Students 1 :
Me :
what else?
Students 2 :
cerita fiksi
Students 3 :
cerita masalampau...
Nah itu sedikit contoh jawaban siswa ketika
dikelas yang berhasil I rekam....
Well, jawaban-jawaban sahabat-sahabat
muda saya itu benar semua, karena memang narrative adalah sebuah cerita fiksi atau
rekayasa yang bertujuan menghibur pembaca atau pendengar. Atau bahasa kerennya
“ A narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain the readers or
listener”. Dalam kamus bahasa Inggris makna
Narrative adalah ‘ (1) a spoken or written account of connected events;
a story. (2) the Narrated part of a literary work, as distinct from dialogue.
Dari uraian diatas dapat kita
simpulkan bahwa Narrative text adalah serangkaian cerita fiksi atau rekayasa
khayalan belaka yang bertujuan untuk menghibur orang. Narrative text memiliki
beberapa bentuk antara lain;
1. Legend atau folklore ; sebuah cerita mitos yang
dipercaya masyarakat pernah terjadi dan menjadi legenda di masyarakat (sangkuriang,
malin kundang, kabayan)
2. Fable : sebuah cerita yang menceritakan binatang seolah-olah
memiliki kehidupan seperti manusia (monyet dan buaya, si kancil)
3. Fairy tale : dongeng atau cerita tentang peri (timun emas, bawang merah
bawang putih)
Sekarang kita tahu apa itu narrative
teks, sekarang kita lihat bagaimana cara mengenali narrative teks dari
Guys, you know what? Bahwa teks
narrative sangat mudah dikenali disbanding dengan teks-teks lainnya dari
cirri-ciri berikut ini;
1. Pada umumnya Narrative teks selalu
diawali kata keterangan waktu (adverb of time) seperti berikut;
a. Once upon a time (pada zaman dahulu
b. Long, long time ago (dahulu kala)
c. Once (suatu waktu)
d. One day (suatu hari)
2. Narrative teks pada umumnya ditulis
dalam tenses (bentuk waktu) Past tense (simple, continues, perfect, perfect
continues) dan past future, yang tentu saja menggunakan kata kerja (Verb) ke 2,
a. walked, said, went, ate, watched, (simple past)
was walking, were saying, was
eating, (past continues)
had eaten, had watched (past
had been eating, had been watched
(past perfect continues)
would eat, would walk, (past future)
Pada umunya didalamnya terdapat percakapan (conversation) yang
melibatkan Direct and indirect speech (kalimat
langsung dan tidak langsung); the king said ‘I am the strongest man in the world’.
selain dari cirri-ciri diatas kita juga dapat mengenali teks narrative dari
generic structure-nya. Perhatikan Generic structure (susunan) teks Narrative dibawah ini;
1. Orientation : it is about the
opening paragraph where the characters of the story are introduced,who, when and where ( tentang
paragraph pembuka dimana tokoh-tokoh dalam cerita diperkenalkan, siapa, kapan dan dimana)
2. Complication : where the problem in the
story come and developed, (bagian cerita dimana masalah hadir dan
3. Resolution : where the problems in the story is solved
happily or sadly (bagian cerita dimana masalah diselesaikan secara bahagia
atau secara menyedihkan)
Well buddies, have you got it?? Ok, for make you more understand about
narrative text, let’s see the example of narrative text below!!!
The Miser and His Gold
Once upon a time
there was
a miser who used to hide his gold at the foot of a tree in his garden, but
every week he used to go and dig it up and gloat over his gains.
A robber, who had noticed this, went and dug up the gold and decamped
with it. When the miser next came to gloat over his treasures, he found
nothing but the empty hole. He tore his hair, and raised such an outcry that all
the neighbours came around.
He told them
how he used
to come and visit his gold. “did you ever take any of it out?” asked one
of them. “No” he said, “I only came to look at it. “Then, come again and look at the
hole,” said a
neighbour, “it will do you just as much good.”
take from Detik-detik Ujian Nasiona
Note : Red : adverb of
Blue : verb 2 from simple past
Green : past
: Miser : orang pelit outcry : teriakan/kegaduhan
: melihat dengan tamak
: keuntungan
: harta
Let’s Try this buddies...
- 1. What is the story about?
- 2. Where did the Miser put his gold?
- 3. What happen with the Miser’s treasure?
- 4. What did the third paragraph tell us about?
- 5. What can we learn from the story above?
Answer the questions above in the comment
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